step one
I walked half a block today for the first time sans crutches. I'm sure all the granny mall walkers could lap me but I'm coming for them. Eye of the Tiger ladies, Eye of the Tiger.

i. life with(out) the cage
ii. back on the bed
iii. sisyphus
I walked half a block today for the first time sans crutches. I'm sure all the granny mall walkers could lap me but I'm coming for them. Eye of the Tiger ladies, Eye of the Tiger.
I thought I'd seen all the 70's disaster flicks but my education is incomplete, my degree worthless. It appears I may have missed a significant corner stone; Tidal Wave, starring none other than Lorne Green, Pa Cartright! Yes comic book guy, Commander Adama as well.
(title key ~ think folk implosion)
Tales of the Golden Monkey
I am constantly amazed @ the diversity in the US. Sometimes I can't believe that it's one nation.
I'm not gonna tell you where to get your food but these scenes are straight out of a sci fi movie. I'm not sure why this macabre field has me so fascinated.
Traditional No trespassing signs might just provoke the local hooligans & then you'll spend all of your time in the woods picking up empty cans of nascar beer.
Worth the trip!
We are assembling the finest home gym that late night tv can by.
Pink slip from above