"The worm has definitely turned for you man."
Hanes drops ads featuring Charlie Sheen
Really Hanes, accusations of domestic violence send you running but hookers & amyls didn't?
Hanesbrands has ended its advertising campaign featuring Charlie Sheen because of domestic violence charges filed against the actor, a company spokesman said Wednesday.
The "Two and a Half Men" star was arrested in Aspen, Colo., on Christmas Day on charges including felony menacing and domestic violence. His wife Brooke Sheen told police he put a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. Sheen denies the allegations.
Playboy Interview: Charlie Sheen
June 2001
PLAYBOY: Is it true you and a friend took a World Sex Tour?
SHEEN: [Laughs] Which one?
PLAYBOY: Amsterdam. You and he did separate sides of a red-light-district street.
SHEEN: Yeah. Me and Jo-Jo [chuckles]. We set a goal for the one night, and we hit it. Ten each. He took one side of the canal, I took the other. Little single rooms, with women sitting in the windows. You walk up, look through the window, go inside, they pull the curtain and, you know. We left there very tired.
PLAYBOY: How did you manage to maintain your stamina?
SHEEN: I was doing a lot of amyl at the time, and that tends to get the sex thing going. Amyl and Heineken: the Amsterdam combination. Jesus, what a nightmare. You can stay hard, but you're shooting blanks after a while. Then it becomes about approaching the number. We said 10 each and you're on eight, and you're going, I need some fucking pasta or steak or something. Fuck it: Heineken, amyl—that's my dinner. Then you get to nine. We didn't want to leave there saying, "We got 17 but we aimed for 20." It was ridiculous.
The entire clip is excellent but Tracks of My Tears kicks in at the 6:40 mark, if that's what you're looking for.
Who knew there were Platoon dolls?

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