
Dr: "You can put weight on it (lego's leg). Come back in four, ummm I won't be here then, make it five weeks"
"There is no growth yet. We usually see growth 4-6 weeks out from surgery. So, hopefully by the next time we'll see some growth."
Lego: Recovery time?
Dr: "2 to 6 months"
"If it doesn't grow we'll try something else."
Lego: Something else?
Dr: "Graft it in a different spot, use more expensive stuff."
So, cage removal is slated for sometime between the end of Oct and the end of Feb. It appears the cage will have to be incorporated into this year's halloween garb. The front runners are the Tower of Pisa or a shark (paper mache) biting the leg.

Substitute a caged leg for the house. I don't recommend googling "shark bite".
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