we have cracklin'

My culinary inquiry made the LA weekly.
Ask Mr. Gold: Cracklin’
By Jonathan Gold
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 - 12:00 pm
Dear Mr. Gold:
Where can I find cracklin’ in Los Angeles?
—Carl Ferry
Dear Mr. Ferry:
My arteries begin to constrict at the thought of the pork rinds fried in giant iron kettles of bubbling lard at the Jazz and Heritage Fest in New Orleans; of the translucent paper bags of happiness available in certain Breaux Bridge butcher shops; of the bubbly sheets of roasted porchetta skin snatched from trucks parked at Umbrian crossroads. Locally, not so much. But the freshly fried pork rinds at the Northern Thai restaurant Top in Reseda have rarely been the source of complaints, especially when the pork rinds in question are laden with the house’s roasted green-chile dip. If you don’t mind your cracklin’ sodden with sauce, the chicharrones at La Luz del Dia at the foot of Olvera Street are pretty great. And my own favorite pigskin is at the venerable Antojitos Denise’s on the Eastside, where you can get the wondrous substance fried into massive sheets, stewed into saucy succulence, or — my hangman’s noose of choice — fried with generous slabs of meat still attached into prisms the density of concrete blocks. Be still my heart.
4060 E. Olympic Blvd., L.A., (323) 264-8199.
In the, I'm not making this up department:

Sugar Free Belgian Milk Chocolate Pork Rind & Caramel Candy Bars
Product Description
Following hot on the heels of our very popular chocolate dipped pork rinds comes our latest mouthwatering creation....the Sugar Free Milk Chocolate Pork Rind Caramel Bar. Each bar is carefully hand-poured with Callebaut Sugar Free Belgian Chocolate, which is sweetened with Maltitol, we pack it full of crunchy fresh pork rinds and flood it with a layer of creamy Sugar Free Caramel and smother it with more chocolate. Sugar Free Low Carb treats never tasted sooooooooo good!
They are low carb & Atkins Diet friendly but they need a better name how about ChocoRinds?
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