here birdie birdie
I'm not gonna tell you where to get your food but these scenes are straight out of a sci fi movie. I'm not sure why this macabre field has me so fascinated.

"Someone else puts the giblets in a handy white pouch and I stuff them back in there. No, I've never seen the person that stuffs the pouches. Well, I can't assure you that the giblets go back into the chicken they came out of. We just make sure every bird gets some giblets. No, sorry I don't know the origin of the word giblets."

Do they pipe music (symphony of course) into the factory or is it the clack clack of the chicken conveyer all day?

Are they pumpin' amyl nitrates into the ventilation system? Why is this woman so happy to be surrounded by dressed hens.

Please, tell me he is not communicating with the foul.
We dig chickens.

The UConn Poultry Science Club is an Eggcelent choice for anyone who has an interest in Poultry.
The club sells omelets at agricultural expos & hosts a spring bbq, which I imagine features chicken.
These club members seem way to excited to be slaughtering turkeys.

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