eternal life?

University Cathedral

"Dr. Gene Scott ® (You can copyright your name?) is the Pastoring Teacher of the University Cathedral in Los Angeles, California. He teaches on subjects ranging from Basic Christianity, to Atlantis, to the Pyramids."
I am absolutely baffled. I thought Dr. Scott was dead but apparently I can get a message to him. I'm not sure if this is proof of eternal life or if there is some sort of unholy communion is going on down at the University Cathedral.
According to Dr. Scott's website, which refers to him only in the present tense:
Dr. Scott does not receive e-Mail (and boy is he angry about it). If you want to get a message to Dr. Scott, you'll have to get in line. You can call and leave a message by calling the Voice of Faith lines or writing him a letter!
It has been an unfufilled dream to see Dr. Scott ranting, urr umm, I mean preaching with his dry erase board full of ancient aremeic. "It's all there I wrote it down for you." I especially wanted to hear Dr. Scott lecture on the lost city.
So if the man is in fact dead, what exactly am I going to see when I go to the Cathedral? Reruns on the bigscreen TV the Dr. always has/had on stage? The TV has always baffled me, it projects his image yet it's smaller than his actual silhouettee, so I'm not sure why it was ever there unless it contained the hypno ray. I'm sorry, that's no way to talk about a doctor of theology, Standford University thank you very much.

Hypno Ray glasses
When I picture my day of prayer in Los Angeles' Jerusalemm the University Cathedral, I see myself sitting in a dark auditorium with horrible acoustics illuminated by the blue light of the television.
The rage that flows out of the reverend scares me. As evil wizard go, Saruman has nothing on this guy. Cigars & liver spots. Spread the love doc.
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