The New Yorker, profiled Bill Clinton in it's September 18th issue.
Here are some highlights.
Clinton on global warming: "But we need to make fixing climate change as politically sexy as putting a man on the moon."
Clinton's assessment John Kerry's campaign: "like a deer in the headlights."
Clinton on the puppet master: "I am sick of Karl Rove's bullshit."
Clinton on the current regime: "Nixon was a Communist compared to this crowd."
The government spent $70 million investigating the Whitewater case !? And American children went hungry !?!? The author, David Remnick on Clinton's clothing: "In political circles, this particular look (olive and khaki clothing) is called disaster casual."
Clinton recalling a crocodile: "That boy was as wide as my wingspan, I swear to God!"
Clinton on Boris Yeltsin: "I don't care how drunk he was sometimes, Yeltsin really hated Communism."
Clinton on warfare: "trapped in the age-old illusion that somehow we can lift ourselves up through violence."
Elaine Kamarck former Clinton staffer on battling the Republican slime machine: "You can't imagine Hillary going through weeks of Swift Boat attacks and letting them go unanswered."
Clinton on Rwandan President, Paul Kagame's cattle: "A-ma-zing"
Clinton on W & HW: "I think both he and his father, because they have peculiar speech patterns, have been underestimated in terms of their intellectual capacity. You know, the way they speak ad all, it could be just relate to the way the synapses work in their brains."
Nahh Bill I think the intelligence has been pegged just right at delta & epsilon. You golf with senior, how's this gonna go over?Clinton on the Bush administration's post invasion plan for Iraq: "was the sort of thing two students of international relations could have thrown together in forty five minutes."
Clinton on bonobo apes: "When one of them makes a kill, they share the food, unlike all the other apes, they fall down to the ground and have group sex! It's a way of relieving aggression! . . . would drive the Christian right crazy! Hillary used to read Archaeology and she told me all about this stuff."
Mr. President, have you been drinking?From the Chicago Tribune: "Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, began his career in congress with a net worth of three hundred thousand dollars and now has assets of six million dollars, owing largely to an almost fantastical increase in the value of land near a highway project that he helped push through congress."
Soon to be another disgraced speaker? Why is this crook still in office?