save yourself a trip
Despite what their website & phone operators say, the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, DOES NOT provide assistance to individuals who have been denied benefits. Legal aid will assist those whose benefits have been cutoff. Having known these details I wouldn't have asked my friend to drive me to their offices.
The Government Benefits unit advocates on behalf of low-income people who have difficulties obtaining, or are denied, government benefits, including:
CalWORKs (formerly known as AFCDC)
Food Stamps
Foster Care
Medi-Cal, Medicare and other healthcare programs
Social Security
In Home Supportive Services
General Relief
Here are some photos from the trip.

Am I the only one scared by this billboard?

Ronald's house is now a Taco stand.

Apparently, we have all been shampoozeled. Glad I saw the sign.

One day I'll eat a taco at every stand, shack & truck on Washington Blvd.
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