lego of my ego
i. life with(out) the cage
ii. back on the bed
iii. sisyphus
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Manhattan Beach, 8/12/07

Support Pimpin
100% Sugar Free Approved

Cher Rocks!!!
The Durango was being driven by a large bearded man. I didn't realize Cher's fan base was quite so diverse.

Before dining I like to swing by the dumpsters.

Total Grease Management - Raw biodiesel

Why is that exactly? Can't the water be diverted to a treatment facility or baring that can't they at least put a mesh screen over the drain to prevent trash particles from flowing into the Pacific.

People in glass houses . . .

Dear Customers
Please Keep Clean!
Please flush toilet when done.
Please throw trash, towels & disposable tampons in the garbage
Thank You! Manhattan Beach Creamery.
Do they really need to remind people about these rules? I say if you can't handle yourself in a public restroom, you shouldn't be going out for ice cream.
Los Angeles (8/10/07)

About all that's left of the Ambassador Hotel. I imagine the sign will soon read:
Central Los Angeles New Learning Center #1 K-3
Central Los Angeles New Learning Center #1 4-8/HS

Ride a bike

Downtown, Crabby Joe's
I once saw a woman vomit repeatedly into her ankle length coat and keep drinking. When my companions and I order our Miller High Lifes, the bartender (not Joe) asked if we wanted them to go.

For the architecture fans

MOCA, the sculpture is made out of airplane parts.



Biodiesel for sale in Brentwood

Right before I was pulled over. Later in the week I saw an M16 in another bike cops gun tube. I'm not sure what sort of event the officer was anticipating, with that kind of fire power.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Los Angeles (8/7/07)

I don't generally go for white shoes but if I did the one on the left would be it.

Notice the pigeons on the roof, now glance down at the awning. Not the most appealing advert for a bakery.
"Ah yes, the Continental, I go there for all my baked goods."

Back in the day, you paid what you could afford at Clifton's.
The nation was in the depths of the Great Depression, many businesses were failing and it was a most precarious time to try his totally revolutionary Golden Rule approach to the self-service restaurant business.
Customers became "guests" and none were ever turned away hungry, even though they had no money. During one 90-day period, 10,000 ate free before Clifford could open an emergency "Penny Cafeteria" a few blocks away to feed, for pennies, the two million "guests" who came during the next two years. He could have gone bankrupt honoring his childhood promise were it not for faithful suppliers, generous vendors and the grace of God, who saw him through those difficult days.
-Clifton's Website

The entrance to Chinatown, for those of you who tune in for the sights.

I'm a sucker for giant fiberglass chickens and cows. More to follow. Please write in with locations.

I couldn't figure out this tour bus. What are the square windows in the back all about? Is it a capsule hotel on wheels?

Capsule hotel, Japan

There is a concrete plant smack dab in the middle of Hollywood. Very bizarre, I imagine the city grew up around it.

Well, hopefully you saw the poster in time.

"We Will Personally Smoke Your Hams or Turkey or Any Prefered Meats Year Round"
Please excuse the typo the BBQ is some of the best in LA and I think I'll have them smoke my turkey this Thanksgiving.

So you'll grasp the style; it used to be called The Original Texas BBQ King.
BBQ King
867 W Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 437-0881

I ducked into a locksmith in Los Feliz to have some keys made. This sign hung to the right of the door. My kind of locksmith.
The South Bay (8/4/07)

I'm not sure who perpetrated this crime or how the phone was befuddled, but this is the state I found it in.

"First sandal with a built in
Church Key. To open your SODA!
now in ladies and mens sizes . . . ."
Perhaps I am being incredibly sexist, but I don't see many women lining up to buy sandals they can pop open their brewskies with.

"World's first sandal
With built in FLASK!"
"Hey Bob, come over here and take a swig outta my shoe."

"New Stash Sandal
A place for credit card
Driver's license etc . . . ."
Um, sandal, let's examine that word. Seems as though the root is sand and I think people generally wear them at the beach.
Sand & water don't mix very well with the modern rectangles we all carry. Of course, these are the same folks that brought us the world's first sandal with a built in flash, so perhaps the stash compartment is water tight.

Those I can use. I'm not sure what for but I'm glad I have a source.
Long Beach & The OC (8/3/07)

PCH, Long Beach

PCH, Long Beach
Why two photos you ask? Look closely, I was in the midst of an ANTI-GRIDLOCK ZONE. Only the light that you see in the top left was flashing red. The result? You guessed it, Gridlock.
The light was red in one photo & blank in another. Sadly, the leg never thinks to shoot video.

I can't vouch for the pie, but definitely the best vanity plate of the night.

The runner up.
My friend posed a question via email with the subject line 756. The body read simply, "Tainted or not? What do you think?"
I'll spare you my rant on Barry and Big Mac's supersizing and their access to the Hall while Charlie Hustle has to hawk his autograph on QVC, however . . .
When I think of the Home Run Record, I will forever think of Pork Chops wearing blue and white, being chased around the base path by two college students, NOT the Bobble Head from San Francisco.
Hank Aaron's 715th Career HR
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Look closely, that's Dodgers outfielder Bill Buckner scaling the outfield wall trying to make the catch. Rest easy Bill, they can't pin that one on you. You were up against destiny.
And because I have to watch it at least once a month . . .
R.I.P. Fish

Photos via ktla
Hal Fishman, 75; revered award-winning KTLA news anchor
I enjoyed your soliloquies if not always for their content then for their delivery.
Enjoy swapping stories with Jennings & Murrow. You belong at the same table.
Friday, August 03, 2007
SM & MDR, CA (8/2)

I believe the offense was, "Rack is dirty, unsightly and/or has broken plastic". Notice how the citation has now become part of the unsightliness.
Even the news boxes must conform in Santa Monica.

The American Dream - Some have been left behind.
A homeless squat on Lincoln Blvd in Marina del Rey