The South Bay (8/4/07)

I'm not sure who perpetrated this crime or how the phone was befuddled, but this is the state I found it in.

"First sandal with a built in
Church Key. To open your SODA!
now in ladies and mens sizes . . . ."
Perhaps I am being incredibly sexist, but I don't see many women lining up to buy sandals they can pop open their brewskies with.

"World's first sandal
With built in FLASK!"
"Hey Bob, come over here and take a swig outta my shoe."

"New Stash Sandal
A place for credit card
Driver's license etc . . . ."
Um, sandal, let's examine that word. Seems as though the root is sand and I think people generally wear them at the beach.
Sand & water don't mix very well with the modern rectangles we all carry. Of course, these are the same folks that brought us the world's first sandal with a built in flash, so perhaps the stash compartment is water tight.

Those I can use. I'm not sure what for but I'm glad I have a source.
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