lego of my ego
i. life with(out) the cage
ii. back on the bed
iii. sisyphus
Monday, July 30, 2007
locker room etiquette

I didn't want to write this while I was a new to the pool scene but now that I have been going for a few months I have some things to say regarding locker room behavior.
1) Please do not put your foot high on the wall in the gang showers in order to wash your man parts. You should be able to reach all the relevant goods without placing your foot on the wall.
2) Nudity is all right but you have a towel, why not wrap it around yourself so that others aren't forced to look at your flesh.
3) If you're in a changing stall that is equipped with a curtain why wouldn't you use it?
4) The locker room is not your home bathroom. Why would you stand in front of the mirror combing your hair in your birthday suit?
5) Please don't place your wet speedo on the bench that someone is going to be sitting on.
hodge podge

It's good to have a champion in the neighborhood but I think she might be riding on her past glories. 1999 was eight years ago.

Hotel reciept; Worcester, MA

Super Swamper; for all the mud bogs and 4WD trails in LA

CA Prison Industry Authority
Need some home furnishings? How about a pair of shoes or food products? Why not check out the PIA Online Catalog.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The OC (7/28)

The Daily Grind
There are three giant donuts that I know of in the LA vacinity. There will eventually be pictures of all of them.
Donut Locations:
1) Manchester, 405 adjacent, Inglewood, "Randy's Donuts"
2) Santa Fe & Wardlow, Long Beach, "Angel Food Donuts"
3) PCH & 7th, Long Beach, "The Daily Grind" ~ Free Wi-Fi

Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, for the sailor in the family.

What sort of issues should I be expecting?

I'm impressed, a biodiesel Suburban.

The leg lurks.

What do you think, has the lawn gotten enough water? When water is cascading over the sidewalk because the lawn is saturated I think it's time to turn off the sprinklers. There are a lot of well watered sidewalks.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Lomita, CA (7/27)
"The Friendly City" or so the banners that line the Pacific Coast HWY say.
"All those in favor of 'The Friendly City'."
"Those opposed."
"The Ayes have it. Lomita will be known as the Friendly City."

Again, how do they stay in business?

Notice the orange leash wrapped around the drivers hand and his cell phone. When Scooby started to howl he yanked on the lead. Not the safest technique. Nor is talking on the phone while driving. How about a hand's free device or speaker phone? Yes, I know the studies report it's the actual conversation and not the holding of the phone that leads to trouble but come on it couldn't hurt to have both hands unfettered on the wheel.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Long Beach, CA (7/20 ~ 7/22)
They like their cars in Long Beach and there is a visible homeless problem.

Linda Lee's Baracuda
Beer, Wine, Pool, Dancers

Though it has a lovely nautical edifice, a vomit inducing stench of urine greets you as you enter the Long Beach Marina public restroom and you are immediately confronted by an odd half wall.

Herbie took himself to the beach.

Yes, Veritas

Placing an unlocked ice machine next to your restaurant's restroom is not the best idea.

"Can we do it in Snoball pink?"
Friday, July 20, 2007
light it up

U.S. Will Allow Most Types of Lighters on Planes
Eric Lipton, NY Times, 7/20/07
Security officers have been collecting some 22,000 lighters a day nationwide, slowing down lines at check points. Even so, many smokers had found ways to sneak lighters through checkpoints, often by placing more than one in a carry-on bag. Disposing of the seized lighters has cost about $4 million a year.