Well, it never happened anyway
conspiracy fuel
NASA can't find original tape of moon landing
Mon Aug 14, 5:48 PM ET
"We haven't seen them for quite a while. We've been looking for over a year and they haven't turned up," Hautaloma said.
"We're looking for paperwork to see where they last were," he said.
We couldn't keep track of the films but we're hoping we managed to preserve a paper trail.

"Fox television aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Guests on the show argued that NASA technology in the 1960's wasn't up to the task of a real Moon landing. Instead, anxious to win the Space Race any way it could, NASA acted out the Apollo program in movie studios. Neil Armstrong's historic first steps on another world, the rollicking Moon Buggy rides, even Al Shepard's arcing golf shot over Fra Mauro-- it was all a fake!"
I don't buy it. Here's NASA's retort.
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