double the road or halve the car?
The freeway was a parking lot. My driver announced that southern California should build its way out of traffic congestion. He wants to make all the current freeways one way and then build their doppleganers beside them. "They could buy the land. Eight to nine lanes everwhere." I suggested making an upper deck. He quickly dismissed the double decker idea for saftey reasons. He drives for a living and despite his friendly demenor the man is desperate but I'm not sure he understands what would be involved in such a massive public works project, the cash & time, let alone the question of efficacy. I don't have a traffic science degree but I think the phrase if you build they will come holds true for freeways. Double even triple the lanes and they'll still fill up.
In the land of plenty dare I suggest downsizing?

Meet the Tango T600
"Doubling freeways. Quadrupling parking. 0-60 mph in 4 seconds."
"An ultra-narrow, freeway-capable, stable, safe vehicle that fits anywhere a motorcycle fits."

"The Tango will revolutionize commuter transportation in the 21st century. It was designed to be so much fun and so convenient that if you are going anywhere by yourself or with a friend, there should be no hesitation in deciding which car to take."
The Tango has been clocked at 120 mph. Passenger and driver ride tandem/ fighter pilot style.

I want to test drive a Tango and take pictures of it parked next to a Yukon or an Expedition. Argh, such strong masculine names. I'll scoff at mini cooper & smart car drivers. A 6'5" man wearing a homemade "Hummers Blow" t-shirt stepped out of his Tango and began yelling, "You selfish bastards, why aren't you doing your part?"
There should be one in the driveway of every box made out of ticky tac.

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