snakes on a plane
Is this a real movie or a comedy central sketch?

I'm a fan of schlock horror (Frogs) and disaster (Towering Inferno) movies. I'll even watch Charleton Heston save the Super Bowl in Two Minute Warning, but this is too much.
The official website begins with Samuel Jackson (Nelville Flynn) asking, "What would you do on a 747 full of deadly snakes?"
The only dialoge from the trailer is, "You know all those security scenarios we ran through? Well I'm smack in the middle of one we didn't think of."
I was gonna blast Snakes but I've changed my mind. After watching the preview a couple of times to get the quote straight I've decided there is time in my life for Snakes. I eagerly await the dvd.
I'm not sure what pop culture void I was under in June when this came out, but if I needed any more convincing this did it:
Kennan "Welcome to Good Burger" Thompson, has a part. I hope his death scene is early and horrific.

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