anti-social street urination
Apparently, the empire has been wrestling with the issue.

Friday, 1 November, 2002, 07:11 GMT
Street toilets go telescopic
BBC News
"The pop-up loos are a further step in our campaign to tackle this menace and to provide people with an acceptable alternative to this anti-social behaviour."
Wednesday, 14 August, 2002, 13:05 GMT 14:05 UK
How public toilets became an inconvenience
BBC News

Open Air Urinal
While some local authorities may prefer not to encourage the public passing of water, many realise that it is better to collect fluids than allow late-night revellers to pee as and where they please.
For uric acid passed by those waiting for night buses in Trafalgar Square has begun to erode the stone walls of the National Gallery.
"Ten or 15 years ago, people didn't stand in the street, they went behind a hedge."
The British Toilet Association, is not taking it lying down.

Campaigning for better public toilets for all
* Britain's public toilets were once the envy of the world
* In recent years, significant numbers of public toilets have been closed down
* We need more and better toilets
* Let's stop the rot
The World Toilet Association, is also involved. I wish they would make a push in NYC. I once had to witness a man explain to a judge why he had urinated in Central Park during an intermission a Shakespear in the Park. "I have never done anything like this before your honor. The line was incredibly long. I had a PAIN above my bladder."

WTO is a non-profit organization, established in Singapore in 2001. The organization communicates the need for better toilet standards in both the developed and developing economies of the world and provides a service platform for all toilet associations, related organizations and committed individuals to facilitate an exchange of ideas, health and cultural issues.
Activities include
* Research & development (i.e. Benchmark Toilet Research, in collaboration with the National University of Singapore)
* Conferences (i.e. World Toilet Summit, World Toilet Forum & Expo)
* Training academy (i.e. World Toilet College)
* World Toilet Day, 19 November of each year
* Emergency Disaster projects (i.e. tsunami affected areas of India / Sri Lanka etc)
Toilet College! Toilet Summit! These guys sound like fun. Last year at the Toilet Summit, they had a Toilet Pantomime. I have no idea what the hell that is but it sounds cool.
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