an argument for toilet seat covers
Whether you use one provided by the managment for your protection or have to assemble one out of tissue they are a good idea.
Woman gets stuck on toilet, suffers burns
August 3, 2006
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa --A woman who became stuck to a toilet seat in a shopping mall restroom was treated at a local hospital after paramedics used fingernail polish remover to free her, officials said.
The 53-year-old Council Bluffs woman suffered burns to her skin in the incident, which happened Wednesday, officials with the Fire Department said.
Investigators said they believe someone placed a cement compound on the toilet seat in the restroom at the Mall of the Bluffs.
Investigators say they are treating the case as an assault and vandalism.
The woman, who wasn't identified, told KETV in Omaha, Neb., that the burns are painful and that the incident was one of the most embarrassing moments in her life.
Information from KETV, Omaha, Neb.
On the same page as the article there was a linens 'n things ad for toilet seats.

We'll assume that the ad's placement was mere coincidence and that linens 'n things is not laughing at this poor woman's pain. As for the question of who would buy the 3D Lighthouse Soft Toilet Seat, I'm at a loss.
Were you in the market for a new seat and ran across it? Did the lighthouse catch your eye while toaster shopping? Do you really want your bathroom to have the "three dimensional look" that the seat promises? If you insist on going with the aquatic theme, might I suggest the sea life shower curtain to bring it all together.

Once, in an attempt to enliven a bathroom I put a goldfish in a bowl on the back of the toilet. I thought the light and bubbles provided a cool effect. The fish died and for a while there was an fishless bowl on the back of the toilet. Someday I'd like to have a tropical fish tank. It will not be housed in a bathroom.
is she related to this guy?
I wonder how long he sat on the bowl crying for help before he went to plan b - think they'll be a rash of toilet gluings?
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