
"We are writing about your claim for Social Security disability benefits. Based on a review of your health problems you do not qualify for benefits on this claim. This is because you are not disabled under our rules."
"However, with continued treatment/therapy, it is expected that within twelve months from the fracture in October 2005, you will have the ability to . . . stand/walk for 6 hours in an 8-hour workday."

Yeah, I'll be ready to get right out there in October. I'm hoping to land a dog walking gig or maybe I'll go down to the beach and pretend to be a mannequin. Whoever reviewed my case should be forced to watch my leg swell & turn purple when it isn't elevated.
Disability rules
"You must meet certain rules to qualify for disabled worker's Social Security benefits. You must have the required work credits (check) and your health problems must: last, or be expected to last, for at least 12 months in a row (check), or result in death."
Yeah, I guess death is a pretty big disability.
To recap the latest forecast from my Doctor:
I'll be in the cage for another 2-6 months. So, the most optimistic estimate for cage removal is 13 months from the date of my accident. After the cage is removed, I will need physical therapy for 6-12 months before I am fully functional.
Today, I'll wade into the appeals process, which could stretch all the way to Federal Court. First stop is legal aid, I refuse to give a lawyer 25% of my benefits.
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