Last Week's News

Red Sox outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury at bat.
I went to the Red Sox-Angles game in Anaheim last week. It was in the mid 80's, when I arrived around the second inning. Parking was $8. The handicapped parking lot was full, so I got to park in the Diamond Club lot. I was able to walk up to the ticket window and get a seat just under the shed (rendering the bulky tube of sunscreen I brought unnecessary) along the right field line even with the foul pole.
Though I associate it with minor league promotions like whopper eating contests, I'd like to shoot a t-shirt gun.
Are fireworks necessary for every home run? Act like you've been there before.
The Sox were up 2-0 in the seventh, there was no rally monkey in sight and then it all fell apart. The monkey appeared after the Angeles followed a solo home run, by getting a man on first with no outs. Safe call, Anaheim.
I had a great view of Coco Crisp's catch against the wall that ended the disastrous seventh.
You can see the game perfectly from the concessions concourse.
Pacifico Bombers (24 oz.) were $12. A 12 oz Guinness was $9.
Hot dogs were $3. Mine was left in the warming drawer for too long. The bun was the consistency of a stale baguette.
Panda Express looked to be the the most upscale food outside of the stadium club. You gotta do better than that Anaheim. I'm might be going out on a limb here but how about some tasty tacos.
The smartest guys in the stadium are the ice cream hawkers. Their bag has dry ice in it. Most of them had the flap open - cheap air condition.
The dumbest guys in the stadium are the California Pizza Kitchen hawkers. They have to carry a large awkward bag and the pizza must remain flat so the cheese doesn't slough off. Note to the CPK hawker in my section, you can't shout, "Pizza Here!" in a New York accent if the pizza has goat cheese and red onion on it.
I was completely surrounded by Angeles fans. It was my first Anaheim game in a few years and I was surprised to see so many Angeles fans. Red Sox games in Anaheim used to feel more like a home game.
When I got to my row, I sat in the empty aisle seat rather than wade into the row. After an inning or so the seat's rightful owner a man I'll call Aisle Bubba appeared.
"That's my seat!" I stood up and began to move towards my seat.
"The next one's my wife! I figured I tell you."
"Good lookin' out, I'll just take my seat down there."
Both Aisle Bubba and his bride grumbled every time I left my seat.
There were two drunk ladies to my right. The alpha kept laughing the whole time "Woooo hooooooo, woooo hoooo." They took a three inning beer break.
Sixth inning, drunk Angeles fan to his lady: "One more beer and we'll find our seats."
Angeles Stadium Crowd: "Red Sux! Red Sux! Red Sux!" Try harder Anaheim.
"Coco Crisp? His father must be Count Chocula." Again, try harder.
"This ain't the east coast! This is a real city!"
Was he referring to Los Angeles or Anaheim, home of Shoppertainment Drive? Judging by the conversation to my left, Anaheim, might have an inferiority complex. A complex enforced by the teams insistence on calling themselves, The Los Angeles Angeles of Anaheim. Take heart Anaheim you have both the Mouse's house and Knott's Berry Farm.

Shoppertainment Drive. Really, Shoppertainment?

Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia on the big board.
Notice the Los Angeles, on top of the board? Team owner Artie Moreno, needs to give up his quest to re-brand the Anaheim Angeles, The Los Angeles Angels at Anaheim. Anaheim is located in Orange County, 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. Besides being geographically incorrect and incredibly stupid, it's insulting to Angels fans.

The view from my seat.

I took the 5 north back to LA. Traffic was stop and go until I reached the 10 west.

An Orange County Trailer Park.

It's not everyday you're driving next to the Coroner Field Response Unit.
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