home furnishing
I hate white walls. I will not have white walls in my home. White walls and carpet, filty, dander ridden carpet. Rugs? Rugs are fine
"House dust may contain insect debris, animal dander, human dander, food remnants and fibers from different fabrics. Dust mites feed on house dust and thrive in mattresses and pillows because of the warmth and available human dander. Mite excrement is another harmful component of house dust."
Argghh, I'm allergic to myself!! The dog looks pretty itchy too.
"The possible role of human dander in house dust allergy was investigated. Naturally shed human mite-free skin squames were collected from bedding and used to prepare a human dander extract."
What exactly is Human Dander? On average what is the percentage of oil, skin, & hair in, what, let's say an ounce of dander? And what percentage of an ounce of house dust is human dander?
Posible solution:

Of course an open air house on a sandy isle is the ideal.

Did Gauguin really suffer from syphilis?
Bush was speaking to the National Restaurant Association in Chicago today. He was talking about people looking back on this moment in US history and saying that American's did not run. Now, why he's trying to fire up a bunch of foodies is beyond me, but what are we "not running away from"? Because at first I thought he told me we weren't running from terroists but now I'm hearing we're not running from our responsability in Iraq. Well dub you created the neccesity now didn't you. I'm sure glad that knowing what you know now you wouldn't change a thing.

The eels are playing with smoosh this friday at the roxy. I have no idea what that means. Morning becomes eclectic (kcrw) will grease your wheels. It should just be called music that doesn't suck - other than that edict there is no playlist
A hummingbird flew by my window but now the black crow is back - was the hummingbird telling me to go
This dude looks like a thug. Check out the teeth! Those bears in London that dined on monkey do not want to run into this guy.

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