check plus: exceeds expectations

leg update:
Revised cage removal date of 3 to 6 months. Six months, if a bone graft is required, which the odds are against at this point. So, at a minimum two months have been shaved off my original sentence. When my mother heard the news she congratulated me and attributed it to, "BEING YOUNG AND HEALTHY, HAVING HEALTHY HABITS AND DOING AS THE DOCS TELL YOU TO. wE'LL KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED, ETC THAT EVERYTHING GOES WELL THIS MONTH!! (her caps not mine)"
I love my mother. She is well aware that several of my habits are decidely unhealthy, but I love my mother. She bought me some rather "loud" shorts for my birthday which I will proudly wear. My parents are hip to it, they also sent along a book, "All the Shah's Men: An American Coup & the Roots of Middle East Terror." We create our own terror & caos.
From the Back Cover:
"A very gripping read . . . a cautionary tale for our current leaders."
--The New York Times
In a riveting narrative that reads like a thriller, All the Shah’s Men brings to life the 1953 CIA coup in Iran--a regime change that ousted the country’s elected prime minister, ushered in a quarter-century of brutal rule under the Shah, and stimulated the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism in the Middle East. Selected as one of the best books of the year by the Washington Post and the Economist, it’s essential reading if you want to put the American conquest of Iraq in context.
"An entirely engrossing, often riveting, nearly Homeric tale. . . . For anyone with more than a passing interest in how the United States got into such a pickle in the Middle East, All the Shah’s Men is as good as Grisham."
--The Washington Post Book World
Good on ya CF'er! Very good news indeed. Not that bit about the Shah(ite) of Iran. Fuck that guy!
Keep on keeping on, and happy birthday!
Do you feel like you're in High School Spanish class and the teacher just graded your quiz!
sweeto! will be a walkin soon enough.
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