NFL Roundup
Goodell says he will approach Walsh material with open mind
Dave Goldberg, AP Football Writer
The Matt Walsh-spygate-walk through taping scandal needs to go away. I can't believe the season is over, the draft is set to begin in hours and the drama continues. I fault the Commish for allowing the situation to fester.
1) Why did you destroy the original evidence? At the very least, that just looks bad.
2) Why has it taken months to reach an agreement to talk to Walsh?
Goodell's mishandling of the situation by no means excuses any wrong doing by New England. I only wish that whatever the crime was, we knew the full extent of it by now and that whatever punishment that crime warranted had been handed down long before now.
I'm not sure what Matt Walsh needed an 11 page agreement to protect him from but he sure has gotten way more than his 15 minutes. Can we at least get a new photo. The Hawaiian golf pro shot is getting old. I'm tired of hearing about this guy. If you have some information, present it and lets move on.
In non-spygate news
— He welcomes the plan by developer Edward P. Roski Jr. to build a 75,000-seat stadium in Los Angeles to help lure back the NFL, which hasn’t had a team there since 1994. He noted, however, the league has no plans to expand and no current franchise seems in enough trouble to seek relocation.
I guess King Roger doesn't want pro football in LA.
Hey longhair!
Troy Polamalu, someone doesn't like your hair.
— He met this week with his players council and discussed the proposal that would require players’ hair that reaches below their name tag being tucked under the helmet. “It would have to be done in a way that would respect the uniform code and also respect players’ rights.”

As long as the number isn't obscured, what's the problem Merle Haggard?
Enjoy the draft.
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