Let's put some listick on that pig

In anticipation of the poor air quality in Beijing, the French Double Dutch team has been practicing in masks since early last year.
Construction Halted Ahead of Games
Andrew Jacobs, NY Times, 4/5/08
City officials laid out an ambitious series of measures on Monday that will freeze construction projects, slow down steel production and shut down quarries in and around this capital during the summer in an attempt to clear the air for the Olympics.
Du Shaozhong, deputy director of the city’s Environmental Protection Bureau, told reporters. “Just tell everybody they don’t have to worry.”

Deputy Shaozhong, said that signs encouraging the proper use of gas masks would be posted throughout the event venues and inside the Olympic Village.
Many athletes & coaches have speculated on how the masks will affect the record books. Speaking on the condition of anonymity one coach said, "You won't see any records broken if we have to swim in gas masks."
So, after the games China will revert to the same practices that cloud the sky and choke it's citizens?
Olympic Teams Vying to Defeat Beijing’s Smog
Juiet Macur, NY Times, 1/24/08
As the lead exercise physiologist for the United States Olympic Committee, Randy Wilber has been fielding one bizarre question after another from American athletes training for the Beijing Games.
Should I run behind a bus and breathe in the exhaust? Should I train on the highway during rush hour? Is there any way to acclimate myself to pollution?
And the world was shocked by Tanya Harding's desperation and Marion Jones' supplements?
Mr. Wilber is urging all the athletes to wear specially designed masks over their noses and mouths from the minute they step foot in Beijing until they begin competing.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Play some Ramones today. You should play some everyday but today is the anniversary of Joey's death.
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