Immortal Sergeant

Henry Fonda
Maureen O'Hara
Thomas Mitchell
Reginald Gardiner
Cpl Colin Spence (Henry Fonda): Look you want my story don't you
Benedict (Reginald Gardiner): Rather
Cpl Colin Spence: Then you do something for me first. I want to send a cable.
Benedict: OK
Cpl Colin Spence: It's to Valentine (Maureen O'Hara). You know her address.
Benedict: Yes.
Cpl Colin Spence: Say: I wanna marry you. Will send engagement ring. Love, Colin
Benedict: What is this some kind of a joke?
Cpl Colin Spence: I don't expect she'll think so.
Benedict: Well I'm afraid it's against regulations for me to send this but um an orderly might take it or a nurse.
Cpl Colin Spence: No it might wait about for days. That won't do. You're a corespondent. You've got priorities. Send it to your paper if you want, tell 'em to forward it.
Benedict: Well I'm afraid you don't know what the censors here are like.
Cpl Colin Spence: I don't care either. They're gonna turn me into a tinpot hero, I'm gonna cash in on it. You see I'm no longer the fellow you knew in London as Colin Spence. I'm another man altogether and a very good one. I had to come all the way out here to meet a tough sargent named Kelly who was born in a slum and educated in an army camp before I was fit for a woman like Valentine.
He's dead now but he taught me one thing, if I want Valentine or anything else worthwhile in life I gotta fight for it. That's not a bad thing for a man to find out is it Benedict? Or for a nation either for that matter. To fight
Benedict: You're delirious
Cpl Colin Spence: Never mind what I am go get that cable off.
fff, I'll murder ya if you don't. I've killed men you know. Men'd make a meal of you. You think I'm joking but you're not quite sure are ya? I'll remove that doubt, I'm not.
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