the menagerie

A herd of capybara, the world's largest rodent. They can reach over 4 feet in length.
from spx
Dear Sirs,
I am the caretaker for my boss's proper menagerie facility in the gentle California coastal mountains. The good Doctor wishes to increase his collection with a few more exotics. I found your webpage and was interested in some pricing quotes.
He finds hoofstock most interesting, in particular a breeding pair of Capybera. He also desires a miniature cow. I also saw on your webpage you purvey zebra as well.
Please email me a price guide for your animals, in particular the ones listed above, for the Doctor's review.
Much Thanks,
Majordomo and Menagerie Caretaker
liar's lake exotics
CMF to domo & inadvertently to liar's lake exotics
better make sure that bovine lactates - nothing worse than a dry utter when you go to mix the caucasian
find out the gestation on the capy, lest aptos become overrun with the hairy bastards - though I imagine the Feral pig would be quite interested to meet another potential food source though at the capy's fullgrown length I suspect only the young & infirmed in the troop would be vulnerable
any sort of permit needed to fell the wild boar in SC county?
domo to liars lake
Dear Sirs,
The Doctor had question on the miniature bovine. He has great concern that the cow be able to produce milk. Is this so?
I have answered and addressed his other concerns.
Please disregard his previous group reply.
Thanks Again.
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