he took down the tire swing
Sports? Yeah, I like sports but I won't be watching the little league world series. I don't enjoy watching little boys play baseball.
Frankly, the parents freak me out. And treating a child's game as if it were major league baseball seems bizare; tv close ups, player bios, stats, color commentary, play by play, radar guns?
There is also something off with the fact that though it's the little league world series and international teams are invited, a team from the US is gauranteed to be in the finals.
I'm tempted to root for the Russian Boys from Brateevo Little League Moscow, Russia. Reagan & Cap Wineberger are smiling ear to ear, "Ronnie, we've got 'em playin' the american game. Those commie bastards are done."
Do people bet on the LLWS?
Tee Ball on the South Lawn

"President Bush launched his White House Tee Ball Initiative to promote interest in baseball and a spirit of teamwork and service for America's youth. This is the sixth year of the President's White House Tee Ball Initiative."
This may be the coolest thing dub has done. Of course, I can see him rolling up his shirt sleeves, grabbing a bat and blasting a hit. The third base coach is yelling at him to hold up but as he rounds third he runs over the 7 year old third baseman a la George Wendt in Gung Ho. Dubya is looking for people to high five at home plate. Timmy, the third baseman is bawling his eyes out. The Prez is the only adult playing and he is being really competative, tauting verging on bullying. Children are crying, a PR disaster. It would sink him.
The Red Sox & Yankees are in the midst of a 5 game series.
9 to tie. 10 to win it. That's not what you want to hear going into the bottom of the 9th.
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