Meet the Press Factoids
Meet the Press Factoids
40% of illegal immigrants entered this country legally i.e. they overstayed their visas.
Under proposed legislation being undocumented would be a felony punishable by up to a year and a day in prison. This strikes me as ridiculous. Supporters of the bill don't want illegals in the US but they are willing to house, clothe & feed them for a year.

Former sportscaster and gastric bypass patient JD Hayworth (Republican AZ) was promoting the bill. My grandmother told me to attack the ideas not the man but Hayworth is a hate monger with a weird Jack Nicholson as the Joker smile. He looks like some sort of sicko infomercial host only all he's selling is hate. I don't believe that he is against a guest worker program because it will create a caste system with a permanent underclass. In fact I can't believe he was able to argue the point with a straight face. Not in the US we can't have inequities.
Hayworth & the other anti immigration politician on the panel kept using language like, "infiltrating" and "invading", terms more appropriate for a war zone than an illegal boarder crossing. It's another attempt to scare people. Hopefully, karma & official inquiries will take care of JD once his involvement with Jack "I steal from Indians" Abramoff is fully investigated.
There have already been 200 OTM's along the TX boarder this year. OTM is a boarder patrol acronym meaning "Other than Mexican" I still can't believe that's a term.
The path to legal residence being supported by most democrats makes sense to me, individuals must: learn english & civics, pay back taxes & a $2000 fine and have no criminal (felony) record.
I would also refer you to the comments made by Governor Gropenfuhrer on This Week on ABC last Sunday regarding the non-feasibility of building a wall along the border when they already have tunnels that accomodate trucks driving under the border.
How exactly do you remove 11-12 million people from this country. Arnie says that would cost $500 billion. I think he meant to say $50 billion, but still... an astronomical figure none the less.
Lastly, wouldn't we want to study the financial implication of removing 11-12 million low paid laborers from our economy before we do it. Do we think that automatically these jobs will be filled by happy citizens/legal immigrants? Probably not at the rates being paid. Service sector workers will become much more expensive driving up the price of everything from the food in restaurants to the cost of hotel rooms. This will have broader implications. Some jobs will simply be exported to where the cheap labor is, whether it be Mexico, India, China or Indonesia...
Let's try thinking before we leap for once. I say no immigration bill until we study the implications of the various approaches. How is the status quo ruining anyones lives except those who are marginalized by being called illegal?
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