
It's really rather clever, if we do say so ourselves! To create the GUINNESS® Draught magic, slowly pour the special GUINNESS® Draught SURGER® beer into your pint glass, place it on the SURGER® and press the button. The SURGER® sends ultrasonic sound through the beer activating that instant rush of GUINNESS® magic, creating a rich black body with a tight white creamy head.I meant to look this up last year after we saw it in Aruba, but it kept slipping my mind. I'm happy to confirm that the device exists and wasn't some prank the bartender pulled on me. I've gotten some weird looks from people when I've tried to describe the Surger to them. Now I can properly explain it.
Apparently, the Surger has been out for a few years but it's only available in the U.K. I have an email in to the folks at Guinness to see if the Surger will be making it's way to the U.S. anytime soon.
Ebay had an empty Surger can for $1.82 - An empty can, what good does that do me?
BTW when I tried the Surger it produced an enjoyable pint. Of course to properly rate the pint, I'd need to have a pub can and a draft as well.
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