The trip home
May 14, 2007

TSA x-rayed my banana. When the agent told me the banana had to go through the machine I thought he said the banana was OK.
"Oh, the banana is cool."
"No, the banana needs to go through"

The Connecticut State Police use Segways to patrol Bradley International Airport.

Daniel Baldwin was on my flight from Cleveland to LA. He was in a middle seat in coach. He didn't strike me as a car thief. When we landed he helped a woman get her oversized roller out of the overhead bin.
A passenger fainted in the aisle next to my seat. I asked him if he needed a stewardess. He grunted, "No, I don't feel good," staggered towards the bathroom and collapsed just outside the galley. The steward came on the PA, "If there is a doctor on the plane please come to the rear of the aircraft." Every conscious head in steerage turned around. The fainter was back in his seat and smiling before we landed.
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