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Dick Nixon Library & Birthplace
Yorba Linda, CA
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The Day Elvis Met Nixon
Date: January 8, 2007
The President and the King
The historic 1970 White House meeting of Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon will be commemorated in a special exhibit opening on Elvis’ birthday, Monday, January 8, highlighted with the sartorial choices of the President and the King.
On special loan from Graceland, the exhibit will highlight the black velvet suit, boots, wing-collared white shirt and gold, diamond-studded belt worn by Elvis Presley during his White House drop-by December 21, 1970. The statesmanlike gray suit and tasteful tie worn by the 37th President also will be displayed.
Not to be outdone by the King's black velvet suit and boots.
Elvis would have been 72 on January 8, and President Nixon 94 on January 9. The iconic photo of their White House meeting is the most requested image from the National Archives.
The picture of Tricky D bowling or leaving on the chopper must be a close second.
The King requested the meeting in a hand-written letter on American Airlines stationery, which he presented to a startled guard at the northwest gate of the White House. Dear Mr. President, he wrote: First, I would like to introduce myself. I am Elvis Presley and admire you and have great respect for your office . . . Sir, I can and will be of any service that I can to help the country out…
The display also will include the gifts exchanged by the two iconic figures, from Elvis a commemorative World War II Colt 45 pistol in a presentation case, as well as family photos, and from RN, a set of Presidential cufflinks and an honorary Bureau of Narcotics Special Assistant badge requested by Elvis for his collection.
Elvis collected law enforcement badges? Did he think it would explain his medicine cabinet?
"Nah fellas, it's alright I've got an honorary badge. Colonel, where'd I put that badge the President gave me."
The exhibit closes April 9, 2007.
Permanent Exhibits:
** "The Structure of Peace Gallery features presentations about President Nixon's successful efforts to "bring the boys home" from Vietnam."~RNLibrary
That's a joke right?
** "The Watergate Gallery is our largest exhibit dedicated to a single subject. It describes Watergate as a political struggle between President Nixon and a Democratic Congress which had strongly opposed the Administration's policies in Vietnam during his first term."~RNLibrary
Again, you're joking right?
** The Presidential helicopter - "Visitors can board the helicopter. This is the historic helicopter that carried President Nixon from the White House for the last time on August 9, 1974 immediately following his farewell speech to staff following his resignation."

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