mmm bacon

Hearty Thick Cut Bacon

Center Cut Bacon - 30% lower fat than the USDA data for cooked bacon

Lower Sodium Bacon - 30% less sodium than our regular bacon
Dear Oscar Mayer,
Is it possible to combine these three into one bacon? I prefer thick cut bacon but it isn't available in a low fat, low sodium version.
I have eaten your bacon since childhood. The yellow package and red & white logo is bacon to me. Could you please send me a wiener whistle. I would very much like to learn how to play the Little Oscar Song.

For bacon enthusiasts:

1924 Oscar Mayer Brings Home the Bacon
"Step by step, the company was setting itself apart, not just by its rapid growth and reputation for taste and quality, but also by its innovative packaging. In 1924, Oscar Mayer introduced the first packaged, sliced bacon, for which it received a U.S. government patent. The idea for the new packaging came from Oscar Mayer's nephew, Carl Mayer, who realized that consumers could shop for cheese, lunch meats, and wieners in self-serve cases, but still had to ask their in-store butcher to slice and wrap bacon. The solution: Oscar Mayer's first self-serve bacon package featuring shingled slices wrapped in cellophane and placed in a cardboard frame. A huge convenience for consumers of the time, it took Oscar Mayer from a minor presence in the bacon business to a top brand."
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