penal league update

The Washington Post has compiled a list of NFL players that were arrested in 2006.
There were 41 Arrests. I'm not sure how many players there were in the NFL last season so I can't compare percentages in the NFL to other sports leagues and other industries.
Here's the 2006 breakdown:
Mr. Booze - Fourteen DUI/DWI arrests and one boating under the influence charge
Firepower - Four gun charges
Assault - Four charges
Domestic violence - Six charges
I'm not going - Seven resisting arrest charges
Drug possession - Four charges
Players are getting an early start in 2007. There have been six arrests so far this year. The Penal League hot stove is definitely heating up.
Take a cab - DUI
Dominique Byrd, Rams TE
Jerramy Stevens, Free Agent TE. Police also found a "leafy substance" in Steven's back pocket.
Dominic Rhodes, Free Agent RB at the time of his arrest now with the Raiders
Leafy substance possession
Johnathan Joseph, Bengals CB
Nobody likes a dog killer - Felony Animal Abuse
Jonathan Babineaux, Atlanta Falcons DL is accused of killing his girlfriend's pitbull after an argument.
Pow pow
Charles Sharon, Jacksonville Jaguars WR was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a stolen firearm.
Coaches are starting to get in on the action. Former (due to his arrest) Cardinals assistant coach Richie Anderson was arrested for solicitation of prostitution.
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