did you feel that ?

"We've all had to make adjustments since the earthquake."
~Ryan Atwood (as played by Benjamin McKenzie) in the series finale of The O.C.
Yeah, it's been rough on everyone Ryan.
With writing like that I'm shocked the show was not renewed for a fifth season.
Earthquake factoid:
"When the movie premiered at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood in 1974, it was shown in "Sensurround" (with heavy bass speakers set on the floor around the theater). During testing, the 1600-watt sound system actually cracked the plaster in the ceiling, so a giant net had to be rigged above the seats to catch any pieces of falling plaster that may have shaken loose during the low bass rumble of earthquake sequences."
Sensurround factoid:
"Sensurround is an audio process developed in the 1970s by Universal Studios for the presentation of theatrical movies."
"The much-hyped Sensurround made Earthquake a popular "event" film, but never caught on during the age of budding multiplex cinemas due to disturbances it caused at adjacent theatres. When Earthquake opened in November of 1974, The Godfather, Part II opened the same month, often playing in the next theatre auditorium. Theatre managers were inundated with complaints from audience members, literally shaken, by the bleeding of Sensurround into the theatre exhibiting Godfather II. This disruption was not worth the effort for most theatre owners, nor was the $500 per week Sensurround rental fee charged by Universal."
There were only four Sensurround movies made: Earthquake, Midway, Rollercoaster & Battlestar Galactica.
Three actors appeared in two Sensurround films.
Chuck Heston: Earthquake & Midway
Henry Fonda: Midway & Rollercoaster
Lorne Green: Earthquake & Battlestar Galactica
Universal should build Sensurround theaters at its theme parks.
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