Continuing coverage of prop 215

Smoked Out
Joint interviews with a medical-pot pharmacist and a neighbor who says, Not in My Schoolyard.
Seven McDonald, LA Weekly, 24/Seven, 2/14/07
"At West Hollywood’s Medical Marijuana Farmacy dispensary on Santa Monica Boulevard, around the corner from Whole Foods and Fountain Day elementary school, Jack Johnson is on the stereo, apple juice and water are set out for the taking, and a sign above the door reads not just “Open,” but “Very Open.” Only slightly disrupting the welcoming atmosphere, a security guardmonitors the scene just in case."
The Great California Weed Rush
How medical marijuana is turning L.A. pot dealers into semilegit businessmen - no beeper required
Vanessa Grigoriadis, Rolling Stone, 2/07
"THC BREATH STRIPS. That's what Daniel is thinking about -- taking some of those gelatinous Scotch-tape thingies that Listermint makes and putting oil made from marijuana trim in them. There's a guy who's good at producing marijuana concentrates, and he figured out how to bind oil to pullulan, the same carbohydrate gel that Listermint uses for its strips. Now a bunch of people are selling the things, in plastic baggies with a sticker reading for medical use only for five or six dollars a strip. Most people recommend taking only one, even though they don't kick in for a long time, because two will knock your dick in the dirt for six to eight hours."
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