
AP, 1/11/07
"Tiffany Noreuil, an animal care technician at the Oregon Humane Society, holds temporarily-named feline Goliath, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007, in Portland, Ore. Goliath, a 20-pound stray whose girth got him stuck in a pet door while trying to plunder some dog food, is back with his owner. His name isn't really Goliath, but it's close. It's Hercules, says owner Geoff Ernest, who was reunited with his tubby tabby Thursday at the society. Gresham, Ore., resident Jadwiga Drozdek found the feline stuck in the dog door of her home a few days ago, helped free him and gave him a plate of food on her patio." (AP Photo/The Oregonian, Benjamin Brink)
That's just what lil' Hercules needed, more kibble. The Humane Society is giving Herc back to his owner, shouldn't they be putting him on a diet? I guess there's no law against having a fat pet.
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