Monday, March 20, 2006

One from the achives

I believe enough time has passed:

Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 10:38:18 -0700 (PDT)

man I am still recovering from all the booze on wen night - I came home
after having to pick my buddy up for the umpteenth time - he kept falling
down he was so drunk - he cracked his face and his skull -

anyway I got sick in my kitchen and passed out on the floor with the water running
- all the chote unfortuantely clogged the sink - I woke up god knows when to
comotion outside - then I realized I was laying in standing water -

it turns out the apt. below me got completely flooded out - like the
cieling and wall sheet rock came down - I of course went into oh sh*& mode and
tried to figure out what to do - I couldn't find my glasses so I
cleaned up what I could and passed out - I called into work because I was so hung

all day I kept expecting a call from the manager - when it finally
came - he and the plummers were looking for a leak in the wall - I played
dumb and didn't say anything - all they said was there would be water all over
the place if it was in here -

without a doubt the largest catastrophy my drinking has ever created - It made
me rexamine my substance abuse policy well . . . until my neighbor came
over to smoke - then I watched Autofoucs - which takes a piece of your soul - william defoe is a scary man - plus it was overcast in LA - so the
seasonal depression kicked in - all and all I'm glad I will never have to
relive that day


At 3:09 PM, Blogger Freak Politics said...

Damn, dude! Damn!!!


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