ilizarov parade
how high's the water mamma
2 ft high & risin' . . .

File photo. Not actual parade participants
The sun is out after 4 days of grey, had good bbq for lunch, ate outside, had a root beer, good dr's appointment, the leg grows
Usually when I go to the "Arthur Gold Fracture Clinic" at County Harbor Medical Center there are 1-2 people with cages on. Today was a parade of past, present & future cage wearers. Here's a rundown, some you've met before:
34 yr old male - In the cage since June 2005. His cargo van was clipped from behind on an overpass and spun out of control. He was ejected from the van & fell 30 ft.
25 yr old female - Currently cageless. In & out of cages for three yrs. She has brittle bones and when they break they break in mulitple places. She broke her right leg and just as she was almost healed she fell and broke the other leg. So, as soon as the cage came off one leg it was slapped on the other
27 yr old male - Currently cageless. Wore a cage for 7 months, july 2005 through january 2006. Spent 8 months at the hospital. Part of his car suspension "dropped out" while he was driving and he lost control & hit a tree. When the fire fighters cut him out of the car his pelvis was still in the driver's seat facing foward but his legs were lying across the passenger seat. Additional injuries include a broken pelvis. His knee is locked at 15 degrees & he is going to have to have the knee reconstructed
40 yr old male - Has been in the cage for 14 months. Cause of fracture unknown. Mode of transportation: skateboard. He sits on his shortboard and pushed with his good leg and hands. He must prefer it to a chair because I heard the nurse offering him one and the doctors would write him a perscription for one if he asked
50 year old man - Cageless and walking without a boot or walking cast. Pronounced limp. Knee locked @ 20 degrees. Range of motion may not improve, physical therapy to continue. Slight scaring
35 yr old man - Three weeks out of the cage. Walks with one crutch & wears a boot.
33 yr old female - Cageless. Has been wearing a boot for 5 months.

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