Active Morning

My roomate woke me up at 7a.m. to move my car so he could go to work (we have tandem parking spots). This was after I picked him up at the airport at 11:30, last night. As I started my car, I heard his Jetta whimper. I knew it wouldn't start. The battery was on life support after sitting for two weeks. I decided to ignore it and continue moving my car. Another whimper from my roommates car.
"Bro, my car won't start."
I didn't feel like discussing solutions.
"Get in. I'll drive you."
"Sweet, a personal chauffer."
Now is not the time for humor.

When I dropped him off at 7:20a.m., there were 5 people waiting outside his store for the new google phone. The store doesn't open until 8a.m.
I was going to just go home but I thought since I was already up and about that I should at least drive home along the beach. It was a beautiful drive, things were just waking up there were only a few dog walkers and fitness freaks out.
I debated getting a coffee and going out to the sand. Normally, I wouldn't have hesitated but it was in the 50's and I was in shorts and a t-shirt. I opted for the coffee and the walk. A homeless man tried to bum a smoke.
"Sorry, I quit."
"Oh yeah, easy as that, no big deal huh?"
I stood in the sun drinking my coffee and stared out at the ocean for a while.
When I walked back to my car the homeless man had taken off his jacket and was doing his version of Tai Chi, complete with Bruce Lee sounds
On my drive home I saw a Prius with spinner rims. I'm not sure if the driver was trying to be ironic or if she really digs the DUB's. She had two small children in the back and her license plate bracket said, My other Car is a Zamboni.

Mom, if you haven't seen them, the Maltese cross part of the rim spins.
Another Prius, this one clad only in an Obama '08 sticker pulled ahead of the DUB mobile. I wonder if anyone has done a study on the correlation between owning a Prius and supporting Barry. I imagine the driver and his passenger were listening to NPR and there was a copy of the NY Times in the back seat. Full disclosure, I am guilty of both though, I save a tree and $1.25 by reading the Times online. That being said, some of the rudest customers I ever had when I was a gas pump jockey in New England, were NPR listening, NY Times reading, Sierra Club joining, Volvo drivers.
When I landed there was a text message from my roommate saying that he wasn't scheduled until 10a.m.

Frank Deford, had a good piece on NPR about Philadelphia and the World Series.
And here comes a politician daring to intrude onto the Flyers' ice. Standing before a phalanx of charging moose is child's play by comparison. Even before the governor stepped into the rink, a special Web site had been created with the main message, "It's time to hip check the right wing."
James, the Cure's Let's Go To Bed was also on the radio. I wanted to post the music video because there are some serious dance moves in it but embedding has been disabled by request. They should make a t-shirt with that written on it.
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